Author: paintwizard57

  • How To Hints & Tips.

    This is a collection of hints and tips I have learned over the years. I will post and add information along the way. New Brush: When you get a new brush it is always good to give it a rinse in clean cold water before using it. Dunk it in about halfway up the ferrule.…

  • Trim Paint

    How do I get the best finish to stand the test of time? Trim by nature gets a lot of the knocks of life. The important rule is this: What works for your walls will not be hard enough to withstand the repeated wear and cleaning trim gets. A specific trim and door paint is…

  • Preparation

    The final finish is set at the beginning with the right start. To quote an old advertisement “Well Begun Is Half Done” If you do not get your prep, filling and priming done well the finish will never look the best. It does not matter how fine or expensive your finish paint is. It is…

  • Tools

    What are the best Brushes and Rollers to get the job done right. The best result will always be achieved with a good quality brush and roller. A paint store will have an array of brushes and rollers available. The question is which to choose for your project. Rollers come in various sizes and nap.…

  • Paint Colour

    Do what works and makes You feel at home. Some many times I have been asked what is the trending colour now? The answer I always give is this: Trends come and go, what is “in” now will be gone and change to something else in six months. Something to think about: We are curtailed…

  • Primers

    Why do I need a primer? Paint cans have Paint & Primer in One written on them. If paint is self priming then why do companies sell primers? The simple answer is Paint and Primer in One is a misnomer. Paint and Primer in One only works on similar surfaces ie. Water based over water…

  • Wall Finish

    What sheen is right for where? It is easy to be overwhelmed by the choice you get when you visit a paint store. There are various sheen levels to choose from. The first thing is to identify where you want to paint and proceed from there. Flat is a good choice to absorb light in…

  • Paint Companies. Which One?

    Paint companies have followers just like car makers. Everyone has their favorite and that is fine. The “Best” paint for you is the one most suited to your project, color palette and budget.The important factor is the project and the desired final finish. Not all cars are made equal and neither is paint. What works…